Hello, this is Myco Industries Group.

Nice to meet you.

Why Mycelia?

At M.I.G. one of the axioms we’ve found important to understand is that mycelia are unequivocally the conduit for “nature’s internet”.

Mycelia help modulate environmental homeostasis and guide ecosystems on their evolutionary progress. Mycelia serve as recycling processors enabling life in ecological communities. By breaking down vital nutrients and channeling it through the food chain, mycelial networks enhance the soil and nourish networks of animals and plants.

Mycelia are everywhere and hidden in plain sight they can be found with nearly every step you take in life on grass lawn, prairie, or forest ground. 90% of land plant life are in mutually beneficial relationships with mycelial networks. 

We are committed to investigating mycelia and deepening research and development regarding mycological applications for humans and the ecological health and security of Earth.

Coming Soon